I hope that you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and am praying that you will enjoy a safe holiday season with your friends and family. Due to several weeks of break being cut out of November and December, I've chosen to combine these two months into one newsletter. Several exciting things have developed since I last posted an update!
Over Thanksgiving break, I was able to obtain a 2nd class medical. This means that a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) examiner verified that I am healthy and fit to fly. With that out of the way, I've applied and begun the process of getting my Student Pilot's License. When I receive the license, I'll just be waiting on building enough flight hours to solo!
The other progress I made was in the airplane. Last week I successfully did the take-off without the instructor being on the controls. He was there, of course, to take control should I do something wrong, but everything went well. With our airstrip only being around 1400 feet, the take-off roll goes very quickly! Finally, with very little help from the instructor, I also completed a landing. I praise God for His help as I continue in training.
This month God has been showing me how faithful He is. As we've discussed fundraising in mission track, I've spent a lot of time in prayer. Finding monthly sponsors who believe in me and my mission seems hard, but I know that all things are possible through God. God strongly impressed me that I needed to trust Him, as He already knew where all the funds would come from. By God's grace, I've seen Him come through as He always does. Thanks to His providence and the generosity of others, I'm funded to 20% of my monthly goal of $600. I read a verse this week in my devotions that I'd like to share with those who are supporting me through prayers and/or finances.
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Praise God for His faithfulness. He will provide and finish what He has started!
Thank you so much for reading this update. Here at Oklahoma Academy we strongly believe that half of our mission is to our supporters. If we could pray for you in any way, please do not hesitate to let us know. My mission team would be delighted to support you with our prayers. Thank you for being a part of reaching the unreached through aviation!
Yours in the Master's service,
Prayer Requests:
That our Taylorcraft's annual inspection will go smoothly.
Prayers for our missionaries serving in the Philipines and Alaska.
Prayers for safety in the air.
Prayers for another instructor.