Dillingham, Alaska
(read to find out something special about this village!)
Updates: Flying and Mission Placement
This month, some very exciting events happened. First and foremost, I found out that I will be spending a year in Dillingham, Alaska, as a bible worker/pilot. Also, we were able to patch a leak we'd found in our Cessna's fuel tank in record time. The weather has been beautiful and I have been able to gain a decent amount of flight hours this month. Also, I will be speaking at Salem Central SDA Church on January 6, 2023.
The picture above shows where Dillingham, Alaska is. It is a small fishing village, with a population of approximately 2,249. I'm really excited and have been working on getting all my winter gear ready! I will be working on a project called Uplift Alaska, working with Mr. Warren Downs. Mr. Downs is a pilot and has served before as a lay pastor in rural Alaska. With his help, my friend Lincoln and I will be able to effectively reach out with God's love in the Alaskan bush. Also, we will have the privilege of helping out with a small local Pathfinder club. Some of you know how much I love Pathfinders, and I am super excited. Please pray for this project.
The weather has been cold and beautiful this month. The lower the temperatures we have, the better performance we get out of our plane. In contrast to the summer, our plane takes off much quicker, and the oil doesn't overheat. Sometimes in the summer, we can't even fly due to excess heat. This optimum weather is making it possible for us to progress smoothly through flight training.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please pray for me and my friend as we prepare to share the gospel in bush Alaska next year. I've combined the December and November newsletters into one, since these are short school months, due to breaks. I pray that you will have a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. Looking forward to seeing many of you over Christmas Break. Thank you again for being willing to invest in me as a missionary.
In Service Together,
Prayer Requests:
For my friend Lincoln and I as we prepare for mission service in Alaska.
For a second flight instructor.
For the unreached people of the world, who are waiting for someone to bring them the gospel.
For more people to join our mission of reaching the unreached through aviation.