Greetings from Alaska! Sorry that this newsletter is getting out a little late. November has flown by and given us opportunities to share God’s love in some new ways. So far the weather has been unseasonably warm and the snow just can’t seem to stick around for long. Since not much is happening over December due to Christmas, I’ll be combining both the November and December newsletter.
Earlier in the month we had the opportunity to fly to the nearby village of Clark’s Point. After flying in, we invited people to meet at the school for a Bible study. Surprisingly, many people from the small village came and we enjoyed playing basketball with the kids for awhile. Then we were able to have a short Bible study which many of them seemed to enjoy. We are hoping and praying to be able to return soon, but the weather has been less than ideal. Please pray for the contacts we made and that God would continue to work in their lives.
I also saw God answer a prayer this month that reminded me how God loves it when we have faith and that He cares about the little things. I’ve been helping out at the local SDA school, and when Wednesday comes around, the kids love getting to watch a video. Unfortunately, one day, the internet refused to work. The head teacher tried over and over for about 15 minutes to pull the video up on the old computer. Finally, using one of the kid’s iPads, we were able to load about 15 seconds of video. The kids, obviously disappointed, decided to pray about it. I was mildly skeptical as the head teacher led them in a prayer that the video would load. Almost immediately after, another minute or two of the video loaded, and again stopped. The kids decided to pray again that God would let them watch more of the video. Sure enough, the video episode loaded and they were able to enjoy it. This incident really showed me what it means to have faith in God and how much He cares about the little things in our life!
We’ve also had the opportunity to help out in the church. I preached several times this month, and am planning to lead a Bible study this week with one of our contacts. Warren and Lincoln flew out to Togiak a couple weeks ago and were able to encourage the local church. We also located another Bible study contact from Clark‘s Point and hope to fly there soon to begin studying together. This Sabbath, I am planning a special Christmas musical program for church, and our outreach team is holding a evening program for the community, complete with singing, skating, and games. Please pray that this will go well, and be a blessing to all involved. Thank you for all your prayers, and financial support. Please continue to keep all these projects in your prayers! Thanks for partnering with us to share the gospel in bush Alaska.
In service together,
Prayer Requests:
For the Bible studies in Clark’s Point.
Good weather for flying.
For the church in Togiak.
Our community outreach event.
That God will lead us to people who want to learn more about Him!